Monday, April 30, 2012

Power Walking and Thank you!

Runkeeper Stats

Now that I know where my distance limit is, I am now playing with endurance and strength training. Today I power walked to the end of the road and slow walked back. My legs felt really close to muscle failure, which is what I want for now to get the fibers to break up and heal so that more muscle tissue can grow.

Had a nice wind today that really offset the lingering heat of the day. Breathing what a challenge today due to the warm air but had assistance when facing the wind. Yay for positive pressure breathing! 

I found out today that I am an inspiration for someone. Talk about a turn around in attitude for me. It was all fine well and dandy for me to be pissed off because I couldn't get results. Now that I know I am an inspiration to someone, well that changes everything. It's not just all about me, its about anyone that I have inspired to try and do something better for themselves. It makes all my bitching and moaning seem trite.

So I would like to say thank you to those who have contacted me saying that I have inspired you. I would also extend a thank you for those who haven't contacted me but have found themselves adding miles to their day because some upstart who found himself in Florida decided to start a blog about it. :) I would like to also thank my supporters who check in from time to time, you know who you are. I have been asked about what people can do to help me on my way.  Well I have been trying to buy a "Good" juicer machine for awhile. There are "things" on this blog that can be accessed that will help me on that goal. However, the terms of service prohibits me from specifically telling people to do such things. So, if you figure it out, thanks! :)

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