Sunday, April 29, 2012

Heat and Humidity. Yeah they matter..

Runkeeper stats

Last night's walk was nothing to write about. There were incoming thunderstorms and active lightning. I walk by a major airport, which is long open and flat ground. So I opted to walk around the parking lot just to keep some form of walking in play. Again, nothing to write about.

Tonight, the weather was warm and humid but there was a semi strong wind blowing that kept it tolerable. I found that the walk today was mentally challenging as my frustrations and impatience for change is growing. The urge to say "Fuck it all" was very close to the surface and walking through it was challenging. Not having a scale that is showing me any progress in one direction or another is more frustrating  simply because I don't know what is going on weight wise. I still have the small changes happening and its a matter of believing that they matter. My worry has always been that my weight is due to a medical condition that requires a Doctor or surgery. It would really suck if all this time the weight I have been gaining was due to some benign tumor or something. So concern, worry and frustration are all factors in my day.

The heat and humidity were a big challenge on the comfort and breathing tonight. As always, the lower back is still giving my some trouble but that is happening later on in the walks everyday. My biggest challenge comes towards the time where I push my distance before turning around. Since I have made it to the end of the road, my new push area is the loop just past my return driveway. I found that today's walk was push the boundaries of my hour lunch. So until I can walk faster, I don't think my distance will increase much past today. So I have found my limit, I think. I am pretty sure if it were a cooler and less humid night, I may be a bit less likely to walk slow. On the other hand, until my strength increases and my weight balances, I am kind of at a tipping point limit.

The next couple of days may end up being weight lifting days as we are coming into some busy days at work. I may be working through my lunch break. So we shall see.

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