Friday, April 6, 2012

A brand new day

Got up today and bought my brand new digital pedometer from Walmart which cost me about $4.00 plus tax. It measures steps and distance traveled, which for me is more than enough.  Programming it was pretty easy too but my only wonder is whether a stride length will increase once my weight starts going down. It is something I will have to keep an eye one.

Another thing I picked up was a 5 cup Brita filter filter pitcher. I have found that I am VERY picky about the water quality that I drink. If it doesn't taste OK or flow smoothly down my throat when I drink it, I simply will do without or buy a soda.Seeing how I am trying to limit somewhat my soda intake and trying not to break my wallet by buying bottled water, the Britta filter seemed to be the best route. It does a real good job in taking tap water/city water and softening it up to be drinkable. Once that is done, I will sip at water all day long without thinking about it which is good for maintaining my water intake for the day which should be at 1 gallon. I got by the "Half your body weight by Ounces" thought process. I figured since I know I am over 400 lbs, i can safely guess that 265 ounces of water would be appropriate and if I manage to drink more than a gallon, sweet!

I have added a few more supplements to my daily intake as well. Walgreen's was having a buy one get one sale on a diuretic and a green tea appetite suppressor/metabolic enhancer.One thing i have noticed is that my energy level is actually up. My mood is perkier, I find myself being easily witty with my phone calls today at work but not jittery at all. I mean, the potential for being jittery is there but its controllable. The hunger suppression is kind of amazing right now as well, I am waiting to have my meal at the 5 hour mark and I had my breakfast and snack already. Co-workers ordered some really fragrant meals and while I identified that I was hungry, it didn't take control over my entire being like it usually does. To me that is mind blowing!! For instance, I am writing this between calls and I have had hunger pains come and go, easily ignorable. Is that what it's supposed to be like?? Seriously now, I feel that I have been missing out. Anything I try as new generally have a big impact the first few days, so we will see what happens after a few days of being on them. I am hopeful that these supplements will help and a box is only 6 bucks for a months worth.

Started a new thing today, I decided that I need to start using stairs again. Walking up them is a bit much as I work on the 4th floor, I can do it, but my recovery time is like 5 minutes and I can't have me gasping for air looking like I am dying at work every day. However, going down the stairs I can do. So instead of waiting for the elevator for a ride down, I am taking the stairs. Only had to use them once today so far and once I am able to get back to high school level of fitness I will start working on using the stairs in the upward motion. I'm still trying to figure out how I manged to run up two flights of stairs with a backpack full of books, its amazing how I thought I wasn't in shape simply from running from classroom to classroom like that.

It is the little changes that I am doing that adds on different challenges. Hopefully this will help me in the long run.