Sunday, April 15, 2012

Holy 88 mph!

Runkeeper Stats

 I did not want to go out and walk tonight. Not for any real reason, just that the want or urge to get out of the chair and move forward was lacking. Needless to say, foot found pavement and the trip today was not bad, in fact rather eye opening. Not only was yesterday's distance pushed but time and space was lost for about 30 seconds. For me, this is a milestone as it was something that would happen all the time years ago when walking as a teen.

Woke up aching like crazy this morning hence the reason for a lack of desire to walk. Wasn't sure if I was going to change it out for the kettle ball weight or not. Looking to put more protein into my diet so the muscles will have a bit more room to heal. The last few weeks I have been reducing my calorie intake to try and get the stored fat to burn off a bit quicker. Not scientific, to be sure, however it made sense at the time plus soup is cheap and easy to make at work at the moment. Once the primal diet is figured out and I can portion it into a week long prep ahead situation, changes should start rolling in like mad.

I also want to start doing smoothies again. Once I get a blender there is going to be a trip to Aldi's to pick up some frozen fruit and peanut butter and whatever else I can find for interesting smoothie recipes. I saw that I should be adding some herbs to my shakes for some added benefits. Real mint, chocolate whey, peanut butter and banana smoothie. Sounds pretty good to me.

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