Saturday, April 7, 2012

I so hit my mile..

Yeah, i hit it, not that I will get credit for it on runkeeper cuz the GPS signal was fubar. If you look at my previous maps and compare the distance out before i turn around top go back, you will see that I nailed it. Considering I only needed .05 to go last night. Fucking technology..;)

I mixed it up a bit tonight. I actually stretched a little before walking and that seemed to help my lower back issues I have been having. My breathing was controllable throughout the walk too. I didn't get to the point where I was gulping air just to keep going. No stitch tonight either, which is a nice change.

Tonight I think I came close to where I used to go in my mind when I was younger and had to walk everywhere. That fun numb place where its timeless and I used to review movies I liked in my head. I kept my pace steady and not too slow but not too fast. Had a nice breeze at my back on the way out which just felt like i was walking with a air cushion pushing up behind me and rolling around my sides and fingertips. It was real nice. When I got to my normal first stopping point to rest, I took it really as a precaution. I felt strained but no nearly as bad as I was the last few days I went out. I caught my breath and brought my heart rate down and continued on. I walked right past my second stop point without even noticing at first. Which startled me a bit when I realized it. I believe we call that a milestone.

Overall, today was a better than expected walk. I am no where near the point of attempting to jog or consider even running but there is definite progress happening under my nose when I am not looking. 

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