Saturday, May 19, 2012

Second non-stop walk. Trending?

Runkeeper Stats

Completed another no break walk today. Minor challenge was resisting the urge to take a break after hopping the gate to the main road. On weekends they close it to prevent people from cutting through our parking lot. I haven't even entertained the idea of trying to jog yet. Walking like I have the last couple days have been wearing me out, if I jogged, I might only be able to do a quarter mile which is not even leaving the parking lot. Still too much gut to try as far as I am concerned.

Had a big mental crash overnight. Possibly due to the amount of "high" I was on the previous 24 hours. Lots of self-doubt and internal questioning. Then today at work, our "On-Call" manager is starting to do his bad habits again because on of the Upper Management crew that was keeping him in check is not out on Maternity leave. So that got me somewhat pissed off simply because micro-managing irks me to no end. So I almost didn't even go out on the walk because I just didn't feel like it. Lunchtime came around and I went anyway, by the time I made it to the half mile mark, I hit my road buzz and negative emotions started to burn off.  Its nice to see that the walking therapy is kicking in more and more.

Chest was tight today, so the need to keep an eye on that is high. If the muscles are too tight tomorrow, will have to skip the walk to let it heal. Something about the need to breathe is a powerful motivator to rest and heal.

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