Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh my, look at the stars.. 

Distance is slowly progressing farther each day. Doesn't seem like it is but that's why I am using Runkeeper to track it. My biggest obstacle has always been myself. If I don't see a point or progression in things, why bother doing it. Beating my efforts against an unmovable wall seems pointless and I could be doing better things like goofing off. The ability of measurement keeps me on awe and wonder enough to see what happens tomorrow.

Did a night time/dusk walk. I dislike walking in the sun simply because I am in the damn South and that's stupid for someone of my size to do. I made that mistake once and damn near paid for it. Lucky for me I was able to find shade and a water bubbler to drink from. Once I cooled off enough to walk me, I was able to make it to a store and get a Gatorade. It tasted like ambrosia, which told me I really fucked up. Anyway, the moon was out and two other bright points in the sky near the moon. Checking Google Sky real quick I found out I was looking at Venus and Jupiter, I am sure I have seen them in the night sky before yet this was the first time I was aware of what was being seen.

Had to stop 3 times tonight to rest. Breathing got really labored to the point of involuntary growling and my lower back was tight again. By the time the first stop was had, a stitch had formed in my right side. Caught my breath and climbed over the road gate (the building has an access road to the street i walk on that they lock on the weekends) and the jaunt over the gate took my breath away for a second and had to recover. I walked til the stitch came back and took refuge on a bench, then got back to my starting point. As I was finishing up closing the app down, a huge vertigo wave hit me. Good thing was leaning on the building or I would have gone to my knees. Never had that happen before. Will keep an eye on it.

The after affects of walking are already present. My upper back leg muscles feel like they were torn apart. Having random chafing between my legs as well that just sucks and is annoying. Plus I am tired but it sure doesn't help that I haven't been going to bed before 6am every day and getting up around 11:30 to Noon to go to work. I will get tired enough and not have anything I want to stay up for soon enough to go to bed at a more reasonable time.