Friday, March 30, 2012

I matched yesterday? Shocking!!

So I started out today not feeling that good. When I start getting a cold, I get a slight burning in the back of my throat. Today was one of those days. So I wasn't really hopeful on getting my 1 mile today, hell I wasn't really hopeful that I was going to go too far today at all. Be that as it may, out the door I went and started walking, no goal, no expectations. Just my music and runkeeper calling out my preset cues to let me know when to turn around. I do a 10 minute out and 10 minute back walk so that I can get cooled down by the time I have to get back on the phones again for the night.

There was also some problems with GPS on my phone when I started out. Was not able to get a strong signal at first and started to feel like I was setting up rabbit ears in the 70's to get a good signal. Either way, the walk came and went with the 2 breaks I  take to catch my breath, loosen my lower back and release the stitch in my side. Today, the stitch wasn't too much of a problem, in fact it was lesser than the past few days. Lower back is a different story as I am still having big time issues with the muscles tightening up and causing problems on the walk. Regardless, the end result shows that while even feeling a bit under the weather, I was able to match yesterday's distance.

Small victory and I will take it

The Long walk home

So having a goal in the short term is nice. However, I wanted to be able to show in a visual representation what I have done with my walking so far in the last year-ish that I have been tracking it.

This is the outline for my goal, I call it, The Long Walk Home.

I grew up in Franklin, Massachusetts and I currently live in DeBary, Florida. So my goal is to walk home.

This is the path that I will be taking. Consider it a virtual backpacking experience. The current total miles from point A to point B is 1,261 miles, the majority of which is highway miles.

I figure as I go, I can stop off in various locations and give a bit of a tour of places I am going to walk through. Which should be an interesting little side project  while I work on walking up the East Coast

This picture shows my current position. I had to draw it kinda long hand and screen capture it as Google currently doesn't offer a way to plot out a course by hand and map it as a savable link, yet. I have faith in these guys peeking on my Blog and thinking this may be a good idea, so once it exists, I will start using it.

So far I have walked 16.47 miles that I have tracked with Runkeeper thus far. This means, I have a long ass way to go, but this is my large goal and I have my mini goals which are posted on the Runkeeper site under my profile. My current one is to get my 1 mile in 20 minutes back on track and from there is to get my stamina back up to where a mile isn't a big deal anymore. Once I get my mile, I will push for my 2 mile mark in a 6 week period.  Again, after that I will have to evaluate my time and energy levels to see where I stand on the 3 mile goal. I may end up switching the longer distances to weekend walking jaunts and leave the lunchtime at work walks somewhere between 1 and 2 miles, if i can keep them in a 30 minute max time frame.

There are other things I would like to do, such as use runkeeper to share live walks with people that are interested and to add other cool technological aspects to my travels. However, funds are tight as is with everyone in the world. I'm not asking for money or donations, just visit my sponsors from time to time is all I ask. Heck I may be able to afford a heart monitor that can go with my runkeeper app and record that as well and see where I truly stand on a day to day basis.

Regardless, I appreciate you all taking the time to check in and leave words of encouragement. I take them all to heart and they add to my determination. Thank you one and all.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Took a couple days off

Had to take a couple days off due to the fact I needed to heal. Lesser, yet more important fact was I wanted to spend time with my wife who was visiting me at the time as well. Yeah I could have exercised while she was there but I was healing a pain that is a factor in my life.

One of the things I detest most about myself is the amount of skin tags that grown over my body. If you aren't sure what skin tags are, I will tell you 2 things that they are not:

1: Fun to live with
2: A blogger utility tool

 From Wikipedia:  Skin tags (or Acrochordon) is a small benign tumor that forms primarily in areas where the skin forms creases, such as the neck, armpit, and groin.

I have two on my left inner thigh, that when I walk, they get pulled and torn. After all my walking this past week, it was really painful to walk to the next room without irritating the torn skin tags. Not having health insurance because it is so freaking expensive these days, I have no recourse to remove them unless I ask skilled friends that know how to cut things. Yeah it will be painful until it heals, but once gone, the ache is more bearable than a torn tag.

Today's walks was easier and farther than all my walks thus far. Which means my 1 mile is close and attainable. Getting to 2 miles will be a trick though. Especially on a 1 hour lunch break. My body is not fit to jog yet, so running to make up the miles won't happen but speed walking may happen by incidence. I do enjoy walking so long as I am not in pain or uncomfortable. When I was younger, I could walk from my house to the old Franlklin Cinema in 45 minutes which was 2.5 miles. So here's to getting back to that goal.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Humpty Dumpty Jibber Jabber.. 

Today was just a short walk to maintin the stretching of my muscles. They are really sore and blah on pain. BLAH I SAY!

Anyway, not much to report, did the walk, feel like im gonna die, go world! Meh..

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh my, look at the stars.. 

Distance is slowly progressing farther each day. Doesn't seem like it is but that's why I am using Runkeeper to track it. My biggest obstacle has always been myself. If I don't see a point or progression in things, why bother doing it. Beating my efforts against an unmovable wall seems pointless and I could be doing better things like goofing off. The ability of measurement keeps me on awe and wonder enough to see what happens tomorrow.

Did a night time/dusk walk. I dislike walking in the sun simply because I am in the damn South and that's stupid for someone of my size to do. I made that mistake once and damn near paid for it. Lucky for me I was able to find shade and a water bubbler to drink from. Once I cooled off enough to walk me, I was able to make it to a store and get a Gatorade. It tasted like ambrosia, which told me I really fucked up. Anyway, the moon was out and two other bright points in the sky near the moon. Checking Google Sky real quick I found out I was looking at Venus and Jupiter, I am sure I have seen them in the night sky before yet this was the first time I was aware of what was being seen.

Had to stop 3 times tonight to rest. Breathing got really labored to the point of involuntary growling and my lower back was tight again. By the time the first stop was had, a stitch had formed in my right side. Caught my breath and climbed over the road gate (the building has an access road to the street i walk on that they lock on the weekends) and the jaunt over the gate took my breath away for a second and had to recover. I walked til the stitch came back and took refuge on a bench, then got back to my starting point. As I was finishing up closing the app down, a huge vertigo wave hit me. Good thing was leaning on the building or I would have gone to my knees. Never had that happen before. Will keep an eye on it.

The after affects of walking are already present. My upper back leg muscles feel like they were torn apart. Having random chafing between my legs as well that just sucks and is annoying. Plus I am tired but it sure doesn't help that I haven't been going to bed before 6am every day and getting up around 11:30 to Noon to go to work. I will get tired enough and not have anything I want to stay up for soon enough to go to bed at a more reasonable time.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Acceptance or Low burn..

I'm not angry tonight, just miserable. Not sure if that is a step up or not. I had to stop twice to let the muscles in my lower back unseize enough to let blood pass into my legs. Hoisting the amount of frontal weight that I am carrying allows me to empathize with all pregnant and large breasted women of the world.

Here is a link to my activity because trying to embed it into this blog is proving to be an act of Christ under a boulder. Runkeeper is a pretty good app to use on your phone to track your activity. If you sign up, feel free to add me to your friend's list.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Not a nice post

I say this to the world.


I just walked for the first time since i left the Orlando area and it was only a 20 minute walk. I hurt and I ache in my back and my legs and my knees. I don't want to hurt, I don't want to ache, I DON'T WANT PAIN to be involved in this fucking life change. I don't care if that is how shit gets done, I don't like it. Fuck you, fuck you and you over there, just in case you thought I forgot you.. Fuck you too.

I don't want tough love, I don't want encouragement, I just want the pain to stop.I want to feel better. That is the biggest downer to this whole thing, that you have to feel worse than you are to feel better. What kind of fucked up shit is that? Who wrote these rules anyway. Yeah? Well fuck you too.

I am upset and angry and you will just either have to deal with it in here or you can go away.

I hate this, I hate everything about this, I have to do this or I will die. That's the long and short of it. Fucking addictions to foods and sweets. Fucking just HATE damn near everything right now. Breathing and circulation, you get a pass but everything else you are on my Grinch card.

I still don't even have a clear idea of what I want. Just not to die. Death is kinda final and a one time thing, don't need that quite yet. Pain is draining away, now I am tired. Fucking hell.