Saturday, May 11, 2013

Next step in weight loss.

Posted this earlier, felt that it also needed to be shared here.

I felt that a simple update would not appropriately cover the emotional aspects of what I am going through.

I have taken steps to work on my weight loss in a way that I did not expect. While at a chiropractor appointment for my neck, I was given at "talking to" by the doctor about my weight. Which isn't too unusual, I have had Doctor's give me this talk many times in my life and that was about it, off you go and figure it out for yourself. This time, however, it went on step further. While in the conversation, the suggestion of the Lap Band was brought up. Not only that, but was handed a referral that was backed up by references from people who have already had the procedure by the same surgeon. This was all handed to me before I left the office from my appointment.

So, once home, I called the Surgeon's office to set up a consult. Contacted my Doctor's office to have my paperwork faxed over, and contacted my insurance to see if it is even covered. During my call with the insurance company I found that it is covered, and since my deductible has already been met I will only be responsible for 25% of the cost. What this means is if I can get the surgery done before the end of the year, I will be on my way to having an alternate weight loss plan.

My entire life up until now, I have been lucky to stay off the operating table for anything major. The most I have ever had done was broken bones, and a variety of cuts that have needed to be sutured up. Now in the last couple of days I am setting myself up for 2 surgeries. One for a hernia and now one for weight loss. It's somewhat hard to wrap my head around at this time, almost a foggy memory of a dream of once was. The upcoming change of life is somewhat scary, I have had an idea of who and what I am, and that is going to be challenged and changed within the next year. There has been many writings about how I see myself and for how long. Seeing the first step on the path that changes this, is overwhelming when I stop to think about it.

Exercise and diet are the two hardest things for me. Diet, recently, has become easier due to a household commitment to be on the primal diet. While on it, I have verified that I went from 465 pounds to 426 pounds in a year. I am not saying that it is not an accomplishment, it is a BIG accomplishment. For people who are not me, they can actually see the difference. For myself, its a lot tougher to see in the mirror. There have been several small accomplishments, such as flexibility and a reduction is leg swelling. Yet the conversation with the Doctor yesterday brought home an important point. I am getting older and my hardware is working as hard as a person exercising while I am at rest. Mortality has always been something I have kept on the edge of my awareness. Though I have dodged diabetes and other weight related illnesses thus far, how long can I roll the dice and beat the odds? If I had that much trust in my luck, the lottery and I would be much better friends. It has been a worry for me and other people that have feelings for me.

It has finally happened, I have reached the level of being tired of not feeling as best as I can be. I cannot fathom what it would be like to have 200 pounds or more dropped from my body. To have the urgency and energy to get up and out to do something. I remember a lot of things I used to like doing when I was growing up. Bike riding, trail walking, tree climbing, swinging from a rope swing, etc. Quite a few of those I would love to do again. My favorite was tree climbing and finding a crook in a tree to sit in and enjoy the breeze through the leaves and the warmth of a sunny afternoon. I also want to run again, something I only did for a short time while in school. There is a Hashing group that already knows and has named me, and I would love to head out and be able to jog a 3 and 5 mile trail that has been set up. These are good goals for me and I want to achieve them. Which gives me a good view that this is the correct path in my life right now. 

So step one is done.  The next step will be coming soon and who knows where I will end up.

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