Saturday, February 9, 2013

First walk in a long time

It has been a month into the New Year, I have been working on getting a few things in order the last few weeks. Having actual Medical and Dental insurance, appointments have been made and kept. One of the main things that has been done was I addressed the depression issue with my new Doctor. The end result of that conversation was a prescription for Fluoxetine (Prozac). Today was my 30th day on the script and I am happy to announce that there have been some significant mental changes. The one thing that has been going on lately was an over abundance of discontent of anything that I used to enjoy. Games I played online hold little interest, internet browsing has been lack luster. I have been sitting here on days off trying to find something to do that will grab me, to no avail.

Today on the way home, I had a Forrest Gump moment. I decided that I was going to go for a walk. Unlike Forrest, I do not have the stamina to go from my house to the county line or anything. I did manage a walk to the end of the road and back to the house, which was a little over a mile. The cold air helped me maintain throughout the walk. As with before when I started walking for the first time, my lower back was tight and painful by the time I got home. The last few weeks, my left knee has been giving me all sorts of pain issues, after the walk today, my knee feels great.

Overall, I think I may continue some walks at night for the time being. I know I should get more sunlight, however, I feel that if I can get moving after I get out of work, I am more apt to do a complete walk session. Also, I need to maintain and up keep an new level of exercise. I feel that my discontent was a subconscious need to get out and start doing some exercise. We shall see how tomorrow goes.

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