Sunday, January 13, 2013

New year, new plan.

It is the beginning of the New Year and things are already falling into place.

Where to start?

Well, I now have a full time permanent job, which has actual benefit that have kicked in on the first of the year. Taking advantage of that, I made a doctor's appointment on 1/10. I brought a list of things that I felt needed to be addressed, one of which was the nagging depression I have been going through. So I am now on a generic brand of Prozac. This is day 3 and already I am seeing some changes in my behavior. First one that surprised me was better structure of thought. The need and desire to make lists is suddenly there, with a new perspective of prioritizing. I am also able to think about long term goals without feeling overwhelmed. Which is a nice change for once. The downside so far is a light sensitivity when sleeping. If I roll over and there is a patch of light that is brighter than the dark I was just in, I wake up. However, if not sleeping late is a downside, I will take it. Gotta get my butt up and going to start doing things. Speaking of sleep, I have a CPAP machine that is going on 5 years old, I talked to the doctor and she wrote me a script for a new machine. Hopefully, in a few months, I will no longer need it. However, it is starting to grow black mold in places I can't reach easy and I feel that it is a sign to move on to a new machine. It is possible that the machine is also no longer powerful enough for me to get proper rest at night as well. So once the new machine is in my possession, we will see how things turn out.

On my list of thing to get this week, finally, are walking shoes. I have been putting it off and putting it off but now I did my research and found a few pairs I like at Payless Shoes between $19.99 and $29.99, which is a comfortable price for me to pay. So once shoes are bought (already got myself a big pack of socks), I will see how getting out and walking goes. It is quite amazing what a bad pair of shoes will do to you when you walk more than a 1/4 mile. More so if you are completely out of shape as I am. The deterrence to doing another walk the next day is much higher when the pain you are fighting is directly due to the shoes that you are wearing.Let me say this, I can kill a pair of shoes like no one's business.

Walking has always been something I enjoy, but I want to keep myself motivated and entertained. I have been debating on downloading a zombie walking game/app on my phone. It gives you areas to go to where you pick up "supplies" and bring them back to your home base, all the while, avoiding the zombie hoard, which you can hear through your earphones as to how many and how close they are. You can pick up friends and well and make a coordinated effort to supply your safehouse and such. Or, I will just use Pandora or Spotify. :) Who knows, either way I enjoy running my imagination while walking. It is an old habit I picked up when I was a kid.

All in all, this year is looking pretty good. Hopefully things will continue to progress and I will have tons of interesting things to write about. :)

1 comment:

That girl said...

So glad to hear from you~ Can't wait to read more!