Thursday, December 6, 2012

Old super powers rekindled

The last few weeks, I have been doing the cross fit level 1 exercises, as I have already mentioned. Today was rough as I had to run a mile and every minute do 10 pushups. I have found that my legs were still really aching from the 100 air squats I did the day before, so my workout today was cut short when I started getting dizzy after getting off the ground from doing my 6th set of 10 pushups. I went into this knowing that the exercises were going to be a challenge and try real hard to not stop them at first discomfort, pushing through until there is a real sign of minor body distress. My upper legs are achy as all get out, but in that "man that was really work" sort of feeling, not the "Oh shit I screwed up" sort of way.

A couple of big observations I established this week were the following:

1: My appetite has lessened.
This threw me for a loop as I tend to not miss meals unless I am totally preoccupied with something. Last night I arrived at home and packed up my lunch for today out of last night's dinner. Yet there was no pull for me to actually have some. This didn't strike me as odd last night, however this morning when my wife got something for breakfast I realized I still was not hungry and it was past 12 hours since I had last eaten. I was the informed that the body goes through a intermittent fasting from time to time to actually process body fat, during these times, there is no requirement for food because you are actually getting energy from stored fat. On some scale, I knew this happens but to actually have it happen was mind blowing to me.

2: Clearer thinking.
The last 48 hours especially have been exciting for me when it comes to this. I feel that I am participating once again in the world. Questions have been coming up that I want answered and answer to questions from friends and family have been more than just a 2 or3 word reply. I am feeling more connected with the topics that I read and respond to. There was a time when I was younger and a part of the BBS scene back in the 80's where my posts and responses to topics were very verbose. I had a lot to say and I had good points and strong opinions. I feel that this is finally coming back to me. My imagination has been opening up as well and the desire to write is fluttering on the outskirts of need, creative writing that is, not just journal writing.

As time goes on, I know that more and more discoveries will present themselves. As they are found, they will be documented to the best of my abilities. Funny, I thought that the only exciting thing about this would be losing weight and maybe gaining a bit of strength back. Apparently there is a lot more to this than I have originally believed.

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