Friday, February 3, 2012

Late nights..

Woke up this morning and really didn't want to get out of bed yet. I know I am not getting enough rest at the moment due to all the overtime I am picking up. I am sure that I will catch up on the rest, just not today. The exercises are getting easier to manage and as I have said, I know that these are just the "softening up" exercises that will get me ready for bigger and better things.

I am adjusting my meal plan a bit this week. I want to see about using beans as my main protein intake this week and see how it goes. I am getting ingredients for a 3 bean salad and I am attempting to make a cold chili. I define cold chili as a chili that does not need to be cooked, sorta like a chili salad but not quite. I am going to use refried beans and can chopped tomatoes as a base and work in the rest of the ingredients from there and see how it goes. Also swapping out instant oatmeal for hot museli if it isn't too expensive. If i have enough cash left over in my budget, i might pick up a few veggie burgers to go with the chili and 3 bean salad.

I am nothing, if not adventurous.

Being at work til 3am is going to give me a unique opportunity to go shopping tonight as my paycheck MIGHT be in the bank before I leave work. If i do this right, I will be able to get my shopping done before I get home and try to get to bed before 5am. We will see. I will still have to be up and out of the house before 10:30 am so i can have enough time to fill up my car with gas for the week. 14 hours a day at work doesn't leave much time to do much else. I already have people asking if I ever go home.  I may end up just not working overtime on Sunday so I can crash and sleep.

There is a lot more to my health kick than just exercise, gotta balance legitimate rest cycles and ponder food. Joy joy..