Thursday, February 2, 2012

Horrible food day

So for End of Month days where I work, they go out and buy food for everyone.

In case you didn't know, i do technical support for Outback. So we get our food from Outback as well. For some unknown reason, I decided that a bloomin onion would be a good idea, that and a burger.

The burger was real good, the onion.. no so much. I could only get through barely half of it before my stomach was turning. Just the smell of it now is causing me to twitch a bit. So in my failure I find a success. Foods that I used to find attractive and alluring are now showing themselves to be gross and gag worthy. Which I find an interesting change.

As I wander down my new path I am taking, I am not dwelling on my supposed weakness of ordering something less than healthy. I am taking the lesson of learning that change is happening and that for every new thing  I am gaining, I am dropping an old thing that was not really necessary in the first place. I know a lot of people see it as a way to sneak food and justifying it. Maybe that is so, however for anyone that actually has known me for any length of time will know that I have always used food as a comfort mechanism. If I don't try something that I have long thought of a comfort to discover that it is no longer such, I will delude myself even worse in the long run. Or so I feel.

I am also accepting the fact that I will stumble. I never expected this to be easy. The easy part was getting this way, the hard part is to break the habits and molds that I have created.

This is but a stumble, of which I get right back up and continue forward. I will do my exercises when I get home and I will go to bed and prepare myself for the next 14 hour shift and make tomorrow a better day than yesterday.