Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Haven't made an update, progress continues...

Getting back into exercise after the surgery was difficult. On top of being out of the habit, the cautious feeling as are associated with a new scar were there too. It took a few weeks, but I did manage a few walks, now I have added strength training into the mix.

Last week I printed out a kettlebell routine that not only did weight training, but pushups as well. My first night, as usual, I overdid it. Did 100 pushups and I so felt it in my arms. Then stubborn me went the next night and was only able to do 30 pushups.On the thrid night I managed 60 pushups. Now all the while I am doing pushups I am doing kettlebell exercises as well. Squats, deadlifts, high pulls and swings. After 5 reps of each I swap to doing 5 pushups. Rinse repeat until I cant do anymore or 20 minutes expires. Have yet to hit 20 minutes.

Took the weekend to heal up, arms were so tight that I could not bend them to reach my face. By Monday, I was ok and started over again. This week I managed 60 pushups again, and tonight I plan on doing the walking. I am still working on getting down to 400 pounds by the end of August, and I hope this kick in the ass will do it for me. My overall goal is by December to see a significant change in my body type. So far, I have found that jeans I had been gifted last year, now fit perfectly. So there's a small "Cheer" in my section for that. So for now, I will focus on the day by day exercises and see where I go from there.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Endurance is up! Pain is down!

Runkeeper Stats

Set out to do a mile walk, made the happy mistake of eating first and bringing water with me. So I ended up just keeping walking. I wanted to go walking before work, but ended up sleeping in a bit too late. Once home from work, I set out.

I was hoping, at least after mile 2, that I would break the 3 mile mark on this walk but I just missed it. So next time I will add another block on the walk and boost up the distance a bit more. Aside from the mileage, the inclines I have been hitting are quite rough. After all the walking I have done though, I realized that my lower back is not hurting at all. The pain is mostly located in my upper shoulder area. Not sure what I am doing wrong/right but I will figure it out.

If I keep this up, I will definitely hit my weight goal I set.  Huzzah!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Interesting observation day

Runkeeper stats

Today was a short walk day. Just trying to keep limber and toughen up my feet again. I didn't take any water this time, but it seems I could have gone farther had I done so and I also noticed that when I carried the water bottle, I didn't have the swelling feeling in my hands. I figure this was due to active carrying of a solid object which allowed me to squeeze the blood out of my hands. It was an interesting observation.

Time to shower and get ready work work.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Endurance walk test

Runkeeper update

Did my first walk in awhile. since before my surgery. Lately I have been getting more and more ansi just sitting around. So I decided that I needed to see where my endurance lies. I know I have been losing weight, my knee has not been bothering me at all if any. So I took it slow and steady, brought my phone and a quart of water.

I did pretty good and I have burned off a lot of excess energy. It's a trial to even type this up. So, short update, huzzah for me!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Well... That happened..

Well in a twist of fate, it seems that my efforts to stay out from under a knife were thrown to the side.