Saturday, May 11, 2013

Next step in weight loss.

Posted this earlier, felt that it also needed to be shared here.

I felt that a simple update would not appropriately cover the emotional aspects of what I am going through.

I have taken steps to work on my weight loss in a way that I did not expect. While at a chiropractor appointment for my neck, I was given at "talking to" by the doctor about my weight. Which isn't too unusual, I have had Doctor's give me this talk many times in my life and that was about it, off you go and figure it out for yourself. This time, however, it went on step further. While in the conversation, the suggestion of the Lap Band was brought up. Not only that, but was handed a referral that was backed up by references from people who have already had the procedure by the same surgeon. This was all handed to me before I left the office from my appointment.